Independence National Historical Park: Liberty Bell


libertybell1aMy, how times have changed.

On my only previous trip to Philadelphia I was attending a conference at a hotel near the historic district. During one of the breaks in the conference, instead of networking with other communication professionals, I took a quick trip to see the Liberty Bell at the Independence National Historical Park.

By a quick trip, I mean I was able to walk the short distance to the tourist attraction, go right up to the Liberty Bell and make it back in time for my next session.

That easy access went away after 9/11 for Independence Hall, the Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Bell and many other national historic sites. Additional security measures have been enacted including the construction of the Liberty Bell Center, which houses the Liberty Bell in a spectacular glass structure.

To get to the Liberty Bell now, you have to go through security, which sometimes causes the line to back up significantly. But it’s a small price to pay to see this magnificent piece of American history.

And with the addition of the Liberty Bell Center, the exhibits about the Liberty Bell have improved dramatically. Before getting to the building’s star attraction you learn more about the founding of the Liberty Bell to its use by both abolitionists and advocates for women’s suffrage. There’s also a short video on the history of the Liberty Bell.

But the highlight of any trip to the Liberty Bell Center is the Liberty Bell itself. And even with the added security, you can still get up close and personal enough to see the famous crack. As an added bonus, the glass facade provides an excellent view with Independence Hall serving as a photographic backdrop.

I should note that in full disclosure, you can see the Liberty Bell through this same window from the outside. But the view isn’t quite as spectacular as the one from inside the building. Plus you wouldn’t learn about the Liberty Bell’s history and that would be a shame.


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