Archive for July, 2018

On the second day of our visit to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Colorado, Carole and I pulled up to the park entrance and flashed our national park pass. “No need to give us a brochure,” I said to Ranger Joe (not his real name). “We were here yesterday.” “What did […]

Technically, the Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site is only two states away from my home base in Iowa. In reality, it’s a long way from Ames. And when I say long, I mean 872 miles or 13½ hours. I’m guessing that’s without stopping. So you can see why it’s taken me so long […]

Park Costs


Years ago I began what has turned out to be a very smart financial decision. For the past decade, I have purchased an $80 annual pass to the National Park Service and that annual transaction has proved to be a bargain – at least for me. Last year alone, without the pass, I would have […]

Rain dogged us the entire time we were in North Dakota to visit the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. But even the wet weather couldn’t dampen the experience Carole and I had at the North Unit of the park. Located approximately an hour north of the South Unit, the North Unit is even more remote than […]

There are a lot of spectacular national parks in the country. Each and everyone has something unique to offer, but I have a soft spot in my heart for one in the far reaches of North Dakota. Headquartered in Medora, North Dakota, the Theodore Roosevelt National Park is a truly wonderful place to visit. And […]