Archive for December, 2021

All told, I have now been to 334 of the 423 National Park Service sites.  I have broken my annual Year in Review into three segments – the first a recap of the parks on a swing out west, while my second will look at parks on this same trip but only in the state […]

 Of the thousands of photos I have taken in 2021 at national park locations here are my ten favorites. These may not be the best photos I have taken this past year but there is just something I like about each of these. This look from below of the Owachomo Bridge at Natural Bridges National Monument totally […]

When you travel to as many national park sites as I do every year, you are bound to take a few photos. In reality, each year I take thousands of images and to weed them down to just a top 10 is extremely difficult. Here are a few other shots, in no particular order, which […]

Like most everyone else, my travels in 2021 were limited, but I did have a couple of trips out west to visit and revisit some national park sites. Here are a few highlights of those trips. I don’t know how I missed the Little Niagara section during my previous visit to the Chickasaw National Recreation Area (above […]