Top Photos of 2021


 Of the thousands of photos I have taken in 2021 at national park locations here are my ten favorites. These may not be the best photos I have taken this past year but there is just something I like about each of these.

  1. This look from below of the Owachomo Bridge at Natural Bridges National Monument totally wowed me. I was able to walk directly underneath the archway and peer skyward to a spectacular view. 

2. So many images to choose from at Arches National Park but this one combined solitude with perfect lighting and an unbelievable archway.

3. Bandelier National Monument is known for its archeological sites and cliff dwellings. But it was this scene on a hike at the monument that I will always remember. 

4. The last time I was at Cedar Breaks National Monument I took a photo of this same pond but with an early morning frost still on the trees. No frost this time but still a memorable photo.

5. I walked a long way in 100 degree weather to take this photo at Zion National Park’s Kolob Canyon. I’m glad I did. 

6. It’s times like these when I wish I was 6’4” so I can get a better overview. But this one at Chaco Culture National Historical Park isn’t took bad.

7. Here’s another one from Arches National Park but no scenic arches this time, instead it’s a semi-panoramic view of Park Avenue. 

8. As much as I like this photo of the mountains and trees at Great Basin National Park, I have to wonder how beautiful scene is after a snowfall.

 9. What do I like about this photo at Canyonlands National Park? Just the clouds, blue sky, cool rock formation and seemingly endless canyon.

 10. The Oklahoma City Memorial is so moving that I just had to include a photo from my last visit on this.

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